I may refer to many publications in this blog. Here they are by their abbreviations. Please E-mail me at: BaseballinDC@gmail.com with further suggestions. Thanks!
BJHA - The Bill James Historical Abstract (Bill James, 2001 ed).
FFF - Freedom from Fear (David Kennedy, 1999), a comprehensive political and social history of the US from 1929 - 1945.
SCFU - Sleeper Cards and Flannel Uniforms (Elden Auker, 2001), the memoirs of a pitcher who played for Detroit, St Louis (AL), and Boston from 1929 through 1942.
BFG - Baseball's Ferocious Gentleman (Lee Lowenfish, 2007), a biography of Branch Rickey.
BT - The Baseball Timeline (Burt Solomon, 2001 ed.), a synopsis of key moments in baseball history.
CWCI - Cobb Would Have Caught It: The Golden Age of Baseball in Detroit (Richard Bak, 1991)
GA - Glove Affairs: The Romance, History, and Tradition of the Baseball Glove (Noah Liberman, 2003)
CNP - Creating the National Past Time: Baseball Transforms Itself, 1903-1953 (White, 1996)
MOB - Memories of a Ballplayer: Bill Werber and Baseball in the 1930s (Werber / Rogers, 2001)
OGT - The Only Game in Town: Baseball Stars of the 1930s and 1940s Talk About the Game They Loved (Fay Vincent, 2007)
GG - The Gashouse Gang: How Dizzy Dean, Leo Durocher, Branch Rickey, Pepper Martin, and Their Colorful, Come-from-Behind Ball Club Won the World Series and America's Heart During the Great Depression (John Heidenry, 2007)
GOI1 - A Game of Inches, v.1: The Game on the Field (Peter Morris, 2006)
BL - Baseball Library (http://www.baseballlibrary.com/)
BR- Baseball Reference (http://www.baseball-reference.com/)
BA - Baseball Almanac (http://www.baseball-almanac.com/)
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