Yankees Miss Title but Dominate Major AL Awards; Foxx slighted in controversial voteLike the other second place NY team, the Yankees narrowly missed the pennant, but their second place finish helps explains how Lou Gehrig barely edged Jimmie Foxx, whose A's contended for the pennant most of the year before spiraling to fourth in September, going 13-18 after taking over first place in late August. Pitcher Lefty Gomez, however, was no surprise and a virtual concensus first choice.
The announcement of the gold gloves gives the Browns something to cheer about - they won the most of any team (3).
Congratulations to double award winners Earl Averill (gold glove and silver slugger) and Detroit's own Mickey Cochrane (silvers slugger and manager of the year) and Billy Rogell (gold glove and silver slugger).
Most Valuable Player - Lou Gehrig (New York)
Cy Young - Lefty Gomez (New York)
Best Relief Pitcher - Alex McColl (Washington)
Gold Gloves -
Catcher: Rick Ferrell (Boston)
First Base: Jack Burns (St. Louis)
Second Base: Oscar Melillo (St. Louis)
Third Base: Marv Owen (Detroit)
Shortstop: Billy Rogell (Detroit)
Outfield: Earl Averill (Cleveland)
Outfield: Al Simmons (Chicago)
Outfield: Sammy West (St. Louis)
Pitcher: Gordon Rhodes (Boston)
Silver Sluggers -
Catcher: Mickey Cochrane (Detroit)
First Base: Jimmie Foxx (Philadelphia)
Second Base: Charlie Gehringer (Detroit)
Third Base: Billy Werber (Boston)
Shortstop: Billy Rogell (Detroit)
Outfield (LF): Bob Johnson (Philadelphia)
Outfield (CF): Earl Averill (Cleveland)
Outfield (RF): Babe Ruth (New York)
Manager of the Year - Mickey Cochrane (Detroit)
Rookie of the Year - Johnnie Broaca (New York)