Tigers bullpen blows two leads as Averill hits clutch homer
Detroit 4 10 2
Cleveland 5 13 1
The Tigers had plenty of chances to win a close ball game in Cleveland, but couldn't seal the deal as Indians hitters got the hits when the needed them. The biggest blast came in the 8th inning as Earl Averill hit a two run blast into the right field stands to tie the game. Still, the Tigers were able to score in the top of the 9th, only to watch the bullpen blow another lead. A fielding error by Tiger shortstop Billy Rogell set up the game winning run in the 10th. Manager Cochrane blamed the loss on himself, noting that he went o for 4 in a game where every hit counted.

Blast lifts A's in comeback against Nationals
Washington 6 11 0
Philadelphia (AL) 9 8 2
The Philadelphia A's improved to 3-1 by overcoming a 6-1 deficit with the long ball. Doc Cramer and Frankie Hayes each hit their first, but Jimmie Foxx's towering blast over the fence in right field and onto the roof of the apartments overlooking the ballpark, his third of the season, was the greatest. Philadelphia erupted with the game winning runs in the bottom of the 8th inning scoring 5 runners on 3 hits. The crucial at-bat was also provided by Foxx (pictured) who made the Philadelphia fans a happy lot with a 2 run double. Washington had 11 hits in the game while Philadelphia had 8, but Philadelphia had the more timely hits. Johnny Marcum (1-1) went 8 and 1/3 innings allowing 6 runs for the victory. Bill Dietrich got the save, his 1st. Monte Weaver(1-1) was tagged with the loss.
Ed note: Thanks for catching the typo Steve!